Aquasana World

Aquasana AQ-4000 Above The Sink Water Filter System

The Aquasana AQ-4000 Above The Sink Water Filter system is an excellent water filtration system for anyone who wants to have clean, fresh, safe water in their kitchen or bathroom sink. The AQ-4000 is a compact piece of equipment and has been included in the Aquasana products named the number one value by Consumers Digest for four years in a row. This is all due to the amazing technology that is used to create the AQ-4000.

The exciting technology of Aquasana's AQ-4000 uses an exclusive dual filter system, which uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange, and sub-micron filtration to produce the best tasting, healthy water at the convenience of your kitchen tap. This compact and convenient device filters out chlorine, lead, VOCs, MTBE, and cysts (cysts are chlorine resistant parasites), but leaves in the natural trace minerals that we all need!

Economical, the AQ-4000 produces the clean, healthy water that you want for pennies a gallon. With replacement filters, the cost per gallon is less than ten cents, and attests to the practical nature of this device. But this isn't the only feature that the AQ-4000 boasts. Some other fine qualities of this above the counter filter system include:

Visit our order form today to get your very own Aquasana AQ-4000, and start enjoying fresh, clean water today.

Copyright © 2009 - The Aquasana water filter information contained in this web site, is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Please consult an expert on water filters before purchasing and installing your water filter.